воскресенье, 16 января 2011
Посмотрела Special Features к Firefly.
Joss Whedon: Firefly is the source of, probably, more joy and pain than anything I've done. It's about nine people, looking in the blackness of space and seeing nine different things. It really was a jewel. When I think back of it, it shines.
много английского текста, цитаты о героях, вырезанные эпизодыNathan Fillion (about his character, Malcolm Reynolds): What I've said to Joss in our first meeting - I'm so not this guy. He is torture, he is bitter, he is hollow, he has no hope. There is nothing lively and wonderfully exploding within this man. I kept telling - I'm not this guy, I'm really not this tortured soul. [...] Malcolm Reynolds represented someone who, although had lost all his hope, would not give up, just would press on. He didn't have any grand dreams, he didn't have any grand causes or goals, all he wanted to do was continue. He wasn't gonna shut down and die, he was just gonna continue living his life.
About music: I remember he [Greg Edmonson, music composer] called me for the last piece of score for "The message". And he said - I'm worried. I think this might be too pretty. Because what I'm writing here is not this character's death. I'm saying goodbye to the show.
Adam Baldwin (Jayne) about Serenity: It's a place we all look forward to going to. To be in. And to playing in. Serenity.
Mal and Zoe, deleter scene, at the Battle of Serenity Valley, episode "Serenity"
Mal: It's a rescue ship.
Zoe: Whose colors are they flying?
Mal: Don't matter now.
Zoe: Are those really med ships? Are we really getting out?
Mal: We are.
Zoe: Thank God.
Mal: God? Whose color is he flying?
Zoe and Simon, deleted scene, same episode
Zoe: He [Mal] was my sergeant. Commander of 30 young grunts. Five days in, there were so many officers dead, he commanded 2000! He kept us together, kept us fighting, kept us sane. By the time the fighting was over, he had maybe 400 still intact. I said the fighting was over, but you see they left us there. Wounded and sick and as near to mad as could still walk and talk - both sides left us there while they negotiated the peace for a week. And we kept dying. When they finally send in med ships, he had about a 150 left and of our original platoon just me. Mercy, forgiveness, trust. Those are things he left back there. What he has now is the ship. The ship and us on it.
Simon: If that battle was so horrible, why did he named the ship after it?
Zoe: Once you've been in Serenity, you'll never leave. Just learn to live there.
Summer, Simon, Shepherd, deleted scene, episode "Mrs. Reynolds"
Summer (to Shepherd): We want you to merry us.
Simon: What? No. What?
Summer: Two by two? Everyone a match, a made, a double. I love you.
Simon: River. Of course I love you too, but we can't be married. That's just not something brothers and sisters do. Maybe on some planets. Only pretty bad ones.
Адам Болдуин поет балладу про Джейна Кобба.
в прекрасной шапочкеТа самая мелодия из "The Message"
Шапку Джейна хочу.
А тебе ривер-платьюшко и сапаги. И тапор.
А тебе ривер-платьюшко и сапаги.
синее? *______________*
И тапор.
деревянная обкатанная ручка, двусторонняя заточка на 6 мм, подогнанный под руку? *_________________*
Синее, да.
И тапор такой, да. Будешь кромсать.
И СаймонаУЗНАЛ, ДЫА? :3
какашка какашкинская1Узнал ^^
Мая сладкая заюшка.
а заднеца капитана понятно откуда.)