//приступы любви к некоторым актерам накатывают на меня внезапно, не неотвратимо, как снежный ком, который я потом качу на окружающих)Это вынос мозга. Это полный вынос мозга. Он реально умеет играть, черт! Ну то есть я знала, но посмотрите и ауы.
И он очень круто и по взрослому выглядит.Q: So, when you're not Dan you actually are fighting evil spirits.
D: No, they're dead. I've done that.
Q: So what does Harry do now that he's defeated everybody?
D: He kind of chills out a lot. And you know, I talk to women. I tell them that I'm Harry and see where it gets me.
транскриптQ: You've shot these movies over the course of more than ten years. Was that difficult doing the same character for that long?
D: No, you know, because it was probably around the time of the fourth film that I, um, started to realized, that I was Harry, you know, which is something that has been quite widely discussed. I mean, I...
Q: I'm sorry, I don't understand you are Harry or you play Harry?
D: No, I am, I am Harry.
I thought I was an actor playing a wizard, but... really I was a wizard playing an actor. I go from my Harry life where I am me, and then I walk out of the room and then I am Dan, the actor.
Dan is a fantastic character who I really enjoy playing.
This kind of split reality which I live on, which we all live on as I've kind of. It was a revelation that that's how the world works.
Q: So, when you're not Dan you actually are fighting evil spirits.
D: No, they're dead. I've done that.
Q: So what does Harry do now that he's defeated everybody?
D: He kind of chills out a lot. And you know, I talk to women. I tell them that I'm Harry and see where it gets me.
The thing I have to say that I'm the proudest of is Quidditch.
I've spoken to at least two or three professional Quidditch players who think, you know, that any team would be lucky to have me.
Q: I thought Quidditch was a fabrication from the book, that it wasn't a real game.
D: This is actually kind of what I hate about America you know I love being here what I hate is your complete lack of appreciation for British sports, cricket, uuhh... it's too complicated, it's too slow, it's too boring. It's not. Would you like to see a scar I got from playing Quidditch? You seemed a little
skeptical earlier.
Q: No, I really don't.
D: I'm going to show you.
Q: I really don't want to see it.
D: Well you're seeing it now. Take that, that thing...
Q: Put your pants back on.
D: That's broom burn.
Q: I don't need to see the broom burn. Just put your pants back on.
D: You know how much tiger balm I've gone through every day on this stuff. It's unbelievable.ранее: Daniel Radcliffe on the Graham Norton Show, 12/11/2010Это просто какая-то The Big Bang Theory в живую.
Еще и в исполнении Дэнниэла Рэдклиффа.
Короче, я не знаю, как этого чувака можно еще больше любить.
Там все интервью хорошее, так что если заинтересованны, то вот.
Слова я вообще не вижу смысла приводить, но там периодическая таблица, дыа.)